Improve Your Partnership

Is your new year’s resolution to improve your working relationships? We’ve got a great suggestion for you: Get a Partnering Advisor!

It might appear counter-intuitive to bring more people into a relationship that you feel is struggling, but in our experience housing providers and their partners find that using a critical friend, who is familiar with both housing and contracting functions within the sector, brings measurable benefits by creating a trusting environment that reduces tension, cuts waste and delivers savings.

If you are just setting out on your partnership, our advisor will provide support for mobilisation, set-up, governance, development of relationships, structure, partnerships and teams. Importantly, they can also provide challenge, often in a way that client and partner contractor team members may find difficult.

Whatever stage of your partnership, our advisor will give independent guidance, without taking sides or apportioning blame. They can also prevent you from “reinventing the wheel” by sharing examples of what has and hasn’t worked elsewhere – for example at 4i Solutions we have relevant and recent experience of innovative Wholly Owned Subsidiaries and Joint Venture models, and can offer independent commercial advice on cost models.

An experienced Partnering Advisor has an extensive range of bespoke project and partnership tools, which they can apply to your specific situation, context and environment. Some of these tools, for example the Partnership Healthcheck, will not only take the pulse of your partnership but also measure the effectiveness of your Partnering Advisor. They can also work with you to engage your other stakeholders, such as tenants, board members and other departments, through workshops, conferences and forums.

If you think

  • an external view and industry knowledge
  • the ability to challenge
  • innovative problem solving
  • an unbiased view of all partners, and
  • the ability to bring partners together

would benefit your partnership, get in touch with us today.


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