Standing Up, Not Sitting Down

This blog is the third in our creativity series and focuses on the third simple change you can make to enhance your effectiveness. The first was a cry for Landscape not Portrait, the second encouraged Bath not Shower and finally we have Standing Up Not Sitting Down.

For millennia we have conducted our business, travel and leisure standing up and only in recent centuries have we taken to sitting down. Not only is this a plague on our health, but it also affects our communication, our collaboration and, of course, our creativity.

Communication is a standing up and walking about activity. We moan about emails, voicemails, WhatsApp groups and a myriad other new inventions but we won’t get up from our seats and walk along the corridor or upstairs to talk to our colleagues. Get up and get creative.

We sacrifice so much collaboration when we sit down. Our much protected personal space is over-emphasised in meetings and training by sitting down. We often don’t even face each other and we lose the vital body language, the connection and the movement that are so integral to collaboration. Get up and get creative.

In the learning space we value communication and collaboration and all the positives that they bring. So be creative! Get your work areas, learning spaces and yourself up out of your seats and work shoulder to shoulder, face to face and heart to heart. Your creativity will improve dramatically and so will your outcomes. Get up and get creative.